Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reflections of the past....

Just a few years before the Battle House was to be shuttered for three decades, my wedding reception was held in the Crystal Ballroom. I came across these somewhat faded photos but wanted to share them. What a day that was.  I particularly like the lovely spiral staircase, which seems to have disappeared from the renovated ballroom.

I'm not offering any prizes, but a gold star goes to the correct guesser of the year! Look closely at the hair styles and clothes!


  1. I'm not a very good guesser of years lol. I didn't live through that time. I'm thinking late 60' mum was married in 1967. The hair in this photo looks similar...that's my guess :)

  2. I am going to say 1970??? I loved looking at all the attire.

  3. You are both close, but Dirt Princess, you came the closest~~~1971, February 6, to be exact. It doesn't seem so long ago. Actually I graduated from high school in 1967, so Kyna, a gold star for you too! Still seems like yesterday!

    Sometimes I think my blog wanders all over the place, but thanks for your comments! I really appreciate them. Just wish I had more time to blog and read others' as well.

  4. I would have guessed 1970-1973. I married the first time in 1970. Great photos.

  5. It's fun to see the styles of that time. Lots of ladies with mink stoles, too. Thanks for the kind comments.
