Monday, February 8, 2010

Inca Dinka Doo!

The Order of Incas, founded in 1956, paraded last Friday night. It was first founded as a non-parading society. In its early years it supported the Joe Cain procession but in 1974 it began holding its own annual parade. This society's parade is one of the most anticipated each Mardi Gras season. The maskers are known for their unbridled enthusiasm and generosity as they pelt the parade-watchers with candy, trinkets, beads, and other goodies.

It takes its name from the Peruvian Inca Indians.  The king of the organization is called the "Mighty Inca." The society's officers are dressed in costumes depicting ancient Inca Indian warriors. They ride along with their 'king' to protect him, with the emblem float depicting an Incan Indian temple of stone.

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